cacao powder raw peru

OHM's raw organic Peruivan cacao powder is packed with natural antioxidants, fiber, protein, and rich chocolatey flavor.

  • Natural Energy
  • Mood Enhancer
  • Reduces Stress
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Gut Health

We source premium high-grade organic Peruvian cacao beans, cold-pressed-- never roasted-- to make delicious and nutritious raw cacao powder. It’s one of the world’s best sources of antioxidants, including mood-boosting flavonoids.

Trinitario cacao is a natural hybridbreed of cacao created by the cross-pollination of the Criolloand Forastero varieties.Trinitario cacao thrives near the Equator, which makes Peru an ideal growing region. The trees take root in fertile soils, reaching up to 40 ft. in height. At around three years of age, the trees start producing their distinct floral smelling pods. The pods are harvested when mature and range in color from light to medium shades of purple. Peruvian cacao powder has an intense chocolate flavor and scent, can be used just like unsweetened cocoa powder in recipes.

The cacao bean’s scientific name, Theobroma cacao, means “Food of the Gods.” The Aztecs considered chocolate a gift from on high to bestow wisdom on kings who ate it.

Cacao vs Cocoa

While originating from the same plant, Cacao and cocoa differ significantly in their nutritional profiles due to their distinct processing methods. Cacao refers to the raw, unprocessed beans from the cacao tree, minimally treated to retain their natural nutrients. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which are known for their heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory properties. Cacao also contains higher levels of magnesium, iron, and calcium compared to its processed counterpart. Cocoa, on the other hand, undergoes roasting at high temperatures, which reduces its antioxidant content and alters its nutritional composition. Although still nutritious, cocoa generally has fewer beneficial compounds and may be further processed into products with added sugars and fats, diminishing its overall health benefits. Cacao is the superior choice for those seeking maximum nutritional benefits.