How much caffeine is in OHM Cacao?

Cacao, the raw form of chocolate, contains caffeine, a stimulant that is known for its ability to improve alertness and focus. The amount of caffeine in cacao can vary depending on the type of product and the method of preparation.

On average, raw cacao beans contain around 0.1% caffeine, while cocoa powder contains around 1-2%. Chocolate products such as chocolate bars and chocolate chips generally contain higher amounts of caffeine, with dark chocolate containing more caffeine than milk chocolate. For example, a 1.5-ounce serving of dark chocolate (about 50 grams) can contain up to 30 milligrams of caffeine, while a similar serving of milk chocolate can contain up to 10 milligrams.

It is important to keep in mind that the caffeine content of cacao products can vary widely depending on the specific product and manufacturer. To determine the exact caffeine content of a particular cacao product, it is best to check the label or contact the manufacturer.

In general, it is recommended to consume caffeine in moderation to avoid negative effects such as jitters, anxiety, and insomnia. Cacao can be a great source of caffeine for those who are sensitive to the effects of coffee or energy drinks, as it tends to provide a more sustained and balanced energy boost.

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